Fancy Schmancy Mishloach Manot

In Purim we have to fulfill the mitzvah of doing mishloach manot which means, sending of portions.  It consists in sending two different, ready-to-eat foods and/or drinks to at least one friend, family or others. It is a traditional gift that one sends to another on Purim Day.

It has become our blogs tradition to do the jewish traditions with a modern twist or with a design element. So we could not resist this opportunity to bring you a “fancy schmancy idea” to create your own mishloach manot.

We jews tend to be very generous with portions but to make this mishloach manot fancy we went with a minimalistic look because quality matters over quantity. Here is a modern, minimalistic, elegant and easy idea for you to make this year.

You just need test tubes, a nice small basket, decorative ribbon and cards, and of course different things of your choosing to fill the tubes (they have to be ready to eat). To finalize the Purim look we added a black and white mask which makes it festive but elegant at the same time.

We filled our tubes to please every member of the family:

  • Mixed Nuts for the health conscious
  • Champagne Bubble Gummies for the kid at heart
  • Craisins for the one who loves a midnight snack without the guilt
  • Crystal Light Powder for the family to share (makes 2 Qts )
  • Skittles for the littles ones
  • Chocolate Coffee Beans for the gourmet special guest

Enjoy this portion controlled mishloach manot and remember that every detail counts, presentation is key, if it looks good it tastes good!

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